Postcards From The Edge


A hand drawn postcard - number 8 Hello Sweetness,

While I'm not thrilled about celebrating a King, I am grateful for the day. It's a public holiday in Aotearoa and a gray but bright winter's one.

A great day for rest and restoration. I'm making soup, going for a nice stroll with the family, taking care of life's endless admin and just regrouping in the stillness.

I hope that wherever you are, whatever you are doing - you have a chance, if even for a moment - to just stand still and breathe.

To just be.

To regroup all the beautiful pieces of you that have been scattered out in the noise and furore of this wild life.

Because you are magnificent and you need moments of stillness in your life to bask in the radiance of being.

Yours truly,


Hello Sweetness,

While I’m not thrilled about celebrating a King, I am grateful for the day. It’s a public holiday in Aotearoa and a gray but bright winter’s one.

A great day for rest and restoration. I’m making soup, going for a nice stroll with the family, taking care of life’s endless admin and just regrouping in the stillness.

I hope that wherever you are, whatever you are doing – you have a chance, if even for a moment – to just stand still and breathe.

To just be.

To regroup all the beautiful pieces of you that have been scattered out in the noise and furore of this wild life.

Because you are magnificent and you need moments of stillness in your life to bask in the radiance of being.

Yours truly,


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