Postcards From The Edge


Hello Sweetness, I’m done with pressure-cooking. I’m committed to riding home on a simeer. I like this place of comfort and warmth. The quiet! My nervous system is calm and supported. I feel capable. Yours in flow, A.

Postcards From The Edge

Love Cats

Hello Sweetness, I’ve spent the most delicious night with friends. An absolutely top-quality bunch that I don’t see often enough. But when we do, damn – we go all in. The outpourings of love, the stories and the mischief are the best for reinvigorating the soul Tell people how much they mean to you. Remind […]

Postcards From The Edge

Map it out

Hello Sweetness, On those magic days when you can see clearly and calmly… Write notes down so you can find your way back. Yours intrepidly, A.

Postcards From The Edge


Hello Sweetness, Little steps often get you further along the path than not even starting. Be a rebel and go after what you want. So it in small snatches like a badass. Do it right under their noses so that they won’t even know where it came from. Start so that when you’re ready to […]

Postcards From The Edge


Hello Sweetness, In order to get your poultry in a row, one must know what and where they are. If you can’t tell your goose from a swan, or which one should be cooked, well I’m afraid you may be ducked. Some people lead very ordered lives with a nice big basket in which to […]

Postcards From The Edge

Purity of thought is not enough

Hello Sweetness, Positivity is mighty grand. But there’s a crazy cousin that you’ve got to watch for. Optimism looks a lot like positivity but has more manic episodes. Optimism isn’t a very good friend – shallow, has no discernment, little empathy for others, it’s all eyes on them. And if you take your eye’s off […]

Postcards From The Edge

Who sets the menu?

Hello Sweetness, I’ve been thinking a lot about yesterday’s card. About how the dualities we default to all miss the nuance, the experiecne, the flavours of life. While we live in an ‘all you can eat’ world with influences bombarding us…we really need to be careful of who is controlling the narrative of yes-good-right & […]

Postcards From The Edge

What mighty weight we give to such tiny words

Hello Sweetness, Positivity = Good Negativity = Bad We tend to divide our experiences and our moods into either camp. It’s shorthand, an easily consumed label to sanitise complexity. Saves time, saves labour, makes decisions easy. I heard something good about that, I’ll buy it We wont eat there it has bad reviews They’re in […]

Postcards From The Edge

Via Negativa

Hello Sweetness, Gratitude is good and wonderful and life-giving and absolutely necessary. But too much positivity and love and light can be a little gag-inducing. Some days the soul and the sky are a little more subdued. And I find myself here today. I don’t need to spend all my time on high, comfortable as […]

Postcards From The Edge

Looking at the view

Hello Sweetness, The view from where you are is always changing. The light casts different shadows, the emotional winds sweep through. Others enter and go about their busines while some come in and make a hell of a mess. And you – the viewer – changes with it. Your reactions colour it in, your gaze […]