Postcards From The Edge


Hello Sweetness, Thought it would be good to mention there isn’t a plan here. I sit down each morning and write. No content schedule. Swayed instead by the day or the moon, maybe my mood or caffeine intake. So this message is fresh for the day. Spontaneous. The image is chosen after it is written. […]

Postcards From The Edge


Hello Sweetness, The grandest thing about writing with pen and paper is the ‘flushing’ effect it has on the brain. You write your problems out. You see it clearly in front of you and things just flow. Because you’re working things out with your hands and your eyes. And that, my love, is the reason […]

Postcards From The Edge

Get your reps

Hello Sweetness, This is a quick reminder for me, for you and for you to remind me… Quality is a matter of volume Youo wanna get good at something? Do the work and put in the reps. If you keep making the effort (mental, physical, spiritual) the quality will take care of itself. Yours commitedly […]

Postcards From The Edge


Hello Sweetness, There is a strength in the air and in hearts today. With so many injustices in this world, people are gathering. It’s time for action – we cant just shake our heads behind our screens. Action is empowering. Action gets things done! Individual activism can be dangerous and ungrounded. When we work in […]

Postcards From The Edge


Postcards From The Edge

Kicking perfectionism in the rear

Postcards From The Edge

A new experiment