Postcards From The Edge

No is not a bad word

Hello Sweetness, No that’s not what I want. No I wont do that. No, I don’t need that in my life. Sometimes we have to say no and sit in the discomfort of it. Sit with the disappointment for others as we don’t do as they want. We’ve been conditioned by our families, society and […]

Postcards From The Edge

Bare minimum

Hello Sweetness, Kids learn better + are less disruptive if fed in schools Also…Kids should never be going hungry!And yet we’re arguing about school lunches. Foodbanks reduce crime, loneliness + improve health outcomes. Also…No one should be going hungry!But their funding is being cut. This is 2024. We may not not have jetpacks…But we should […]

Postcards From The Edge


Postcards From The Edge


Hello Sweetness, On this Sunday of inclement skies, I have gathered my things and returned to my bed with the cat. I shall be here – reading, writing and partaking in hot beverages for the foreseeable future. The rain is pouring, the cat is snoring and I’m delighting in the comfort of it all. Yours […]

Postcards From The Edge

Atomic ideas

Hello Sweetness, There is much afoot here, so I will be brief… An atomic idea at the very centre of all that is buzzing…. Small ideas and actions evolve into the extraordinary when given the right care and attention. Yours succinctly, A.

Postcards From The Edge


Hello Sweetness, It’s actually a wildly common condition – the delusion of infestation. And I’m suffering from a bad case of the itchies. It started with a case of nits brought home from school a couple of months ago. And they kept reoccuring and being a household with lots of hair, I had to keep […]

Postcards From The Edge


Hello Sweetness, Please remember 1 – Everything can change in a minute with one small action or decision. 2 – Small actions done repeatedly can have beautiful, powerful, revolutionary repercussions. Yours powerfully, A.

Postcards From The Edge

There are lots of things you can do in a made bed

There are lots of things you can do in a made bed… You don’t have to just lie in it. Yours adoringly, A.

Postcards From The Edge

Uncommon Personal Agency

Hello Sweetness, We’ve been talking a LOT about choices. Brian Moran has been showing up a lot in my life lately thanks to his 12 Week Year… more on that another time. He also wrote Uncommon Accountability, which offers an insane reframe. Kids get grumpy when I tell them to clean their room because it […]

Postcards From The Edge

You Contain Multitudes

Hello Sweetness, I want to clarify something about all this Choosing talk. You don’t have to choose just one thing. It’s not an always and forever kinda situation.. Im a writer, designer, concierge, project manager, researcher, gardener, mother, and even a witch some full moons. And that’s this week. Yes, it’s makes it hard to […]