Postcards From The Edge

Dance Your Way Out The Door

Let’s talk about your dance moves… I myself am a shuffler. I’ll even chachacha or shimmy down should the situation call. Sometimes there is a wrong decision – but it’s not nearly as often as you think. Most are yep, ok, I’ve changed my mind – this isn’t what I want. How you move on […]

Postcards From The Edge

Make It Right

Hello Sweetness, Yeah, I’ve made a lot of dumb decisions in my life. They straddle all the spheres – where to be, how to be and who to be with. Looooot of stupid choices around money and time and energy. I make them still, but I don’t need to be perfect. Improvement is just fine. […]

Postcards From The Edge

Lean in to being you

Hello Sweetness, My life does resemble a circus performer juggling fire sticks in a pit of snakes. In my head anyway. Externally it’s a lot more calm and sedate. I could blame the kids, the conditions, or even ADHD. Know thyself tho – it’s actually a choice. I will drop everything to help, leap into […]

Postcards From The Edge

In the Interstitials

Hello Sweetness, All this weedling my work into the interstitial spaces between the cries of the needy – sick kids, a cacophony of clients and a cat with obesity issues – has left me achey. For I am not as svelte and agile as I once was and contorting myself around others has pulled some […]

Postcards From The Edge


Hello Sweetness, Better choices = Better living But (I hear you cry)…. There’s so many things I don’t have a choice in But (I cry)… Is that really true? Yes there are life’s hard realities like laundry and caring for pets the kids have abandoned for fear of vet bills, animal cruelty laws and zoonotic […]

Postcards From The Edge

Making Better Decisions

Hello Sweetness, Making better choices leads to better things as I noted yesterday. And so I present to you, the Going Postal Path to Making Better Decisions Scary looking list, I know… For big decisions, yeah you should start at number 1 and work all the way through. But these wont come up so often. […]

Postcards From The Edge

It’s all in the choosing

Hello Sweetness, Everyone’s always looking for a life hack . Here’s mine…Get better at making choices. Choose what you want for yourself, what rules you’re going to play by, how you’ll treat others, who you spend time with, what to hold on to, what you’ll let in, where to spend your energy, money or time.Stop […]

Postcards From The Edge

Light it up

Postcards From The Edge

A Dilemma

Postcards From The Edge
