Postcards From The Edge

Dance Your Way Out The Door

Let’s talk about your dance moves…

I myself am a shuffler. I’ll even chachacha or shimmy down should the situation call.

Sometimes there is a wrong decision – but it’s not nearly as often as you think. Most are yep, ok, I’ve changed my mind – this isn’t what I want.

How you move on when things don’t go your way is the most telling human trait of them all.

I’ve seen all the moves – foxtrots can be sweet. I can even respect a good Vogue or a Krump. Moshing has a time and place and it’s not when you’re changing jobs….

My point is… when things aren’t right…

Waltz your way out with style. Lindyhop your ass out of there. Chattanooga choo choo along. But never take a flame thrower to a hoedown.

Don’t burn things down.

Show some respect to yourself and those around you and clean up the mess. Actions and words can both be violent if they are done with malice.

You don’t need to destroy anyone or anything. You’re better than that, Honey. Show us how good you are.

Jules Cheret - Redoute des Étudiants, Closerie des Lilas, 1894. Source.
Jules Cheret – Redoute des Étudiants, Closerie des Lilas, 1894. Source.

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