Postcards From The Edge

Get your reps

Hello Sweetness,

This is a quick reminder for me, for you and for you to remind me…

Quality is a matter of volume

Youo wanna get good at something?

Do the work and put in the reps.

If you keep making the effort (mental, physical, spiritual) the quality will take care of itself.

Yours commitedly


PS Want a rush of enthusiasm?

Check out Otyken on Youtube (wild music)

Or just jump up and down and shake your sillies out (cos it’s fun)

An illustration by Dionysius Andreas Freher, a German mystical writer who lived from 1649 to 1728. The picture was published in an eighteenth century British publication of Jakob Böhme's works: The Works of Jacob Behmen, The Teutonic Philosopher, vol. 3, from 1764. Image is Public Domain. Thanks to WikiMedia Commons.

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