Postcards From The Edge

Lean in to being you

Hello Sweetness,

My life does resemble a circus performer juggling fire sticks in a pit of snakes. In my head anyway. Externally it’s a lot more calm and sedate.

I could blame the kids, the conditions, or even ADHD. Know thyself tho – it’s actually a choice. I will drop everything to help, leap into a lion cage to wrestle with what’s right now. That’s how I play. That’s where I do my best work.

Not so good at the consistent and steady growth thing though. The solidity of things. That has worked against me at times. It’s not an all or nothing thing, nor a lack of care – I care fiercely.

But with so much competing for our attention, choices need to be made. I choose to follow the energy. Total reframe from a lifetime of messaging about not being enough. Leaning into what works best for me, means better results for everyone in my life.

I bet it would for you too

Yours in candor, A.

Barnum and Bailey - Greatest Showi on Earth poster. Daring and Dangerous Equestrian Act 1898. Library of Congress
Barnum and Bailey – Greatest Showi on Earth poster. Daring and Dangerous Equestrian Act 1898. Library of Congress. Public domain.

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