Postcards From The Edge

Purity of thought is not enough

Hello Sweetness,

Positivity is mighty grand. But there’s a crazy cousin that you’ve got to watch for.

Optimism looks a lot like positivity but has more manic episodes.

Optimism isn’t a very good friend – shallow, has no discernment, little empathy for others, it’s all eyes on them. And if you take your eye’s off that prize, well it’s all your fault.

They gamble on any old thing, leaving you broke, unfulfilled and frustrated. It doesn’t have a plan.

Spend your last $2 on a scratchie? You didn’t win? You must not be worth it?

Blind faith alone wont get you there.

You want something? Clear some space, set your intention then take intentional action.

Changing your thoughts does wonderful things. But following that up with action is how the magic really happens.

All the world’s religions agree on one thing… purity of thought is not enough.

Yours realistically,


Ophelia - A black and white photo of a woman on a swing. Baker's Art Gallery, Columbus, Ohio 1895 -National Gallery of Art, Washington DC. Library of Congress

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