Postcards From The Edge

What are you paying attention to?

Hello Sweetness,

What are you paying attention to?
It’s an important question.

You’ve only go to much of it to give and everyone is competing for a piece of you.

Are you choosing to focus on what serves you, what’s meaningful? or are you diving in to whatever new thing comes along?

It’s called paying attention because it costs.
You pay for it in oxygen, energy, time, money, emotion, missed opportunity.

If you don’t make concious choices about this, you get hit by everything.

Deliberate decision making gives us back the power. It stops our attention from being grabbed by any old thing or by those who want to control or make money out of it.

I feel more in control when I get to choose where my attention goes. The opposite of this is overwhelm.

Is it the same for you?

Yours attentively,


A drawing from Georg Bartisch's Ophthalmodouleia (1583) the first Renaissance manuscript on ophthalmic disorders and eye surgery. Public Domain. Wikimedia.
A drawing from Georg Bartisch’s Ophthalmodouleia (1583) the first Renaissance manuscript on ophthalmic disorders and eye surgery. Public Domain. Wikimedia.

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