Postcards From The Edge

Who sets the menu?

Hello Sweetness,

I’ve been thinking a lot about yesterday’s card. About how the dualities we default to all miss the nuance, the experiecne, the flavours of life.

While we live in an ‘all you can eat’ world with influences bombarding us…we really need to be careful of who is controlling the narrative of yes-good-right & no-bad-wrong.

People wield reviews as blunt weapons. “If you don’t treat me the way I want, I will give you a bad review.”

Things happen and people are judged and mountains are made of molehills. People are slammed for comments out of context. The sensational rules.

There is no banquet in the world that doesn’t come to an end. So let’s delight in the morsels served rather than dishing out judgements before we’ve even tasted them.

Yours hungrily,


An 1883 oil painting of A Boyar Wedding Feast by Konstantin Makovsky
An 1883 oil painting of A Boyar Wedding Feast by Konstantin Makovsky. Public domain.

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